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Native Mussels fall prey to Zebra Mussels because Zebra Mussels attach themselves to hard surfaces. They attach to the outer shells of other mussels and out-compete them for resources, eventually suffocating them and killing them. Zebra mussels have gotten so bad that they have driven some native mussels to the brink of extinction.

 Zebra Mussels are a nuisance for humans. They attach themselves to the surfaces of boats and pipelines. If the mussels decide they want to colonize a pipeline, they can reduce the flow of water by nearly 2/3. While not only costly, the mussels are also very difficult to remove.

 Zebra mussels are indirectly becoming predators of the sporting fish populations in the United States. The mussels are filter feeders, feeding on the plankton which include the micro zooplankton, which in turn feed the fish populations. The invasive mussels are greatly reducing the fish populations of the infested waters they reside in.

Crayfish- Predator
Humans- Biofouling
Native Mussels- Prey/Parasitism
Sport Fish- Parasitism/some predators
Birds- Predator/Biomagnification

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